That’s Conversation! Slackers

That’s Conversation! Slackers is a worksheet for B2/C1 level conversation classes packed with engaging activities to get your students talking about work, career and motivation.


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That’s Conversation! Slackers is packed with engaging activities designed for use in conversation classes with adult learners at B2 – C1 level. That’s Conversation! Slackers focuses on work, career and motivation. It teaches adjectives and phrasal verbs related to work, while also helping students practice using Present Continuous for annoying habits. All the tasks are thought-provoking, inspiring and meaningful, encouraging students to express themselves and learn new language in a fun and stimulating way. The MiniEbook is available in digital format for online classes or can be printed for traditional classroom settings.

What’s inside?
• Eleven tasks to get your B2 – C1 students talking about work, career and motivation
• Adjectives and phrasal verbs related to work and career
• Present Continuous for annoying habits
• Suggestions for further or prior reading (articles) and listening (videos) with direct links
• Topics for students’ own research, projects or homework.

Is this MiniEbook for you?

That’s Conversation! Slackers is for you if …
• You struggle to find engaging conversation resources for your adult students.
• Your students need language to discuss the topics of work, career and motivation.
• You want to teach work-related adjectives and phrasal verbs at B2/C1 level.
• You seek to revise the use of Present Continuous for irritating habits.
• You need a comprehensive and structured resource to plan engaging and effective conversation classes.
• You teach adult learners who require a more mature and sophisticated approach to language learning.

How to use That’s Conversation! Slackers?

• Download the MiniEbook and use it in digital format for online classes or print it for in-person sessions.
• You may introduce the lesson by showing your students one of the suggested videos or asking them to read one of the suggested articles before class.
• Check out Teacher’s Notes (Page 10) for suggested videos, articles and students’ own reasearch, as well as answers to some of the questions.
• When there is no solution to a task in Teacher’s Notes, it means that your students’ own ideas and viewpoints are the best response.
• Maximise student talking time by giving your students time to process information, asking them to justify their reasoning, and prompting them with supplementary questions.

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1 review for That’s Conversation! Slackers

  1. Sylwia Chrzanowska (verified owner)

    Ogromnym atutami ebooków są zarówno zawarte w nich absorbujące tematy do dyskusji, jak również ciekawe ćwiczenia poszerzające słownictwo – takie zestawienie pozwala na stworzenie interesującej lekcji, z której uczniowie wyjdą zachwyceni. Dodam, że jest to już trzeci ebook który zakupiłam na stronie i ponownie jestem bardzo pozytywnie zaskoczona jak dobrze sprawdza się on na zajęciach. 🙂

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